Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The First Post of Awesomeness

What a happy day!  The website is mostly done..just a few more things to do and my head can go back to photography (until I decide I need to update the site again!)

I can not believe it is almost February!  Time goes by way to fast lately and perhaps that is good because it means I'm busy....but every now and then it is good to slow down a bit.  But lets be honest...life rarely slows down.

Your input is really important to this blog and I hope I will hear from you.  While I have some ideas what I would like to blog about (Photography...Duh!), I would really like to be somewhat driven by your comments and questions.  We'll see what we can come up with.  But, do keep in mind I am a photographer and not a writer.

Mondays, in theory, will be my blog day...either with words, photos, or both.  It is a learning process, but I like the idea of mostly being photo driven.  If you know me personally, you will know that I can be wordy and if I have a lot to say I may add YouTube video links to get ideas across....and with the upcoming documentary trip to Kenya, it may be a good idea for me to get comfortable shooting and editing video.  Just don't laugh too hard!

And about the title.  I use the word "awesome" and "love" a lot.  Maybe too much.  But don't let it bother you...there will be much hand flapping and jumping up and down too, because that is just who I am.  Hopefully this will be more amusing than annoying.  Keep in mind that laughter is good for you.

Love yas!

1 comment:

  1. yay! Looking forward to reading and seeing more!!
