Sunday, February 12, 2012

Go Red!

What an honor it was to be chosen to photograph the American Heart Association Go Red Luncheon.  The  event was fabulous and well attended...and after the 3rd speaker, few eyes were without tears.  It amazes me that women in their 20's can have heart attacks...not something one thinks about unless they know someone who has had an attack.  It was  inspiring to hear the stories and a very important reminder of the symptoms of a heart attack (they differ from men's!)...And a very real warning that all women...I should say, EVERYONE, needs to take better care of themselves.  As one of the speakers said, "You take care of everyone and often neglect yourself.  Slow down!"  

So just stop it, OK?

I laugh when I say to you "take care of yourself" and "slow down" because I am SO am guilty of this too.  From 8am to 1:30 pm I was actively shooting this event.  I sat and stuffed my face between speakers and then would jump up when a new person was going to the podium to make sure I had them covered.  Then I would roam classrooms where there were presentations and scope out other angles from up high looking down, and all around.  I hate standing still for long.  Gotta keep moving.  It's just how life works, right?  You do what you have to do!  

It totally makes since that the American Heart Association Go Red event is in February along with Valentine's Day. It's about loving yourself enough to slow down to take care of your yourself...sometimes even first.  

Looking back at what I wrote almost makes me feel lame.  I am not trying to be sappy.  If anything this post is to remind me that I better step up and do a better job of being me.  I need to lay off the fat and sugar and jump on the treadmill more...not only for me...but for my family.  So this post, that has little to do with photography (except that I was there at the event to shoot it!), is more of a public promise that YOU get to hold me to.

So, Rock On this week and spread your awesomeness everywhere you go!  And keep reminding me, yourself, and all of the other women in your life to be good to themselves.

Love yas-

PS-Photos here!

1 comment:

  1. excellent reminder! I am going to take time for myself today too. Looking forward to your photos of the event!
