Sunday, March 18, 2012


Last week I queried my Facebook friends for ideas for this blog; what would they like me to discuss or share on this blog.  Two of my friends, Lucas and Jennifer asked this:  "WHY did you become a photographer?"  This question made me laugh...because it stumped me.  There wasn't a simple or obvious answer for me like, "How did you become a photographer?"  How and Why are just so different...and I had simply not thought about it before, so I found the question interesting.

So...I thought about the question for a day or so, thank you very much, and came up with this... (And it is WEIRD....What else would you expect from me?)
It wasn't really a conscious decision.  I didn't say, "When I grow up I want to be a photographer."  It didn't enter my mind.  It just evolved over time.  

Not helpful or insightful, right?  OK... I have Business Management degree and a background in art, and have been thinking about business development for...years!  As a child, I would draw "magazines," duplicate them by hand, and sell them door to door (for like a dime).  My neighbors were kind and would buy them every now and then.  This only encouraged me, of course....And it grew into selling girl scout cookies and those terrible fundraising calendars for school projects.  By the time I reached college I had already designed my "clothing store" and my first "line" of clothing.  All on paper...with ads and a detailed marketing strategy all mapped out., marketing, and art was already a natural thing for me to do; the degree just gave me more insight and knowledge.

The camera was just accidentally introduced later in life.  Yes-I had owned many cameras, even as a child, but I was really a point and shooter....I thought nothing of composition or lighting or choosing any settings other than on, off, and shoot.  Then my husband purchased me my first serious camera...a point and shoot with function buttons; (OoOoOooooo  choices)!  This was for me to use in my design business (creating logos and for the occasional painting...for me to paint what I shot).  I was less than enthusiastic.  But then I started shooting...and learning.  I took thousands of photos.  It was insane.  But I was learning, and then I started selling....which clicked into the business part of my brain.  Better equipment was purchased.  The artistic part of my brain AND the business part of my brian was challenged and I gained traction, began getting published, selling more, getting contracts, more experience, and it snowballed...I knew I needed to become licensed and pay taxes, so I did everything I needed to do to become an official licensed entity and protect my work...…  It just happened....With a lot of work and thought, piece by piece.

There were lots of little "goals" and larger project and challenges that I wanted to do or work on....My tool just happened to be a camera and my post production programs were just another tool I could use to give my clients the look they wanted.  I love that I can be creative, meet fantastic people, and see amazing things.  It is everything I wanted to do...but I never thought I would be doing THIS!  I have a great deal of fun (and work) and it pay the bills.  I work with and for an amazing group of people!

How and Why are all mixed up within this blog, I suppose.  It is hard to separate the two.  A short answer is this.  WHY I do it...because I like doing it.  It is challenging and clicks into my need for order (business), and art (the image).  I do it because I like studying  people and can do so from behind the camera.  I can be bossy too.  I have found I like directing people and taking charge.  I like being organized and problem solving.  I like to create....and to be independent at times; collaborate in other times.  I like meeting people and hearing their stories.  I find people fascinating.  The older they get, the better the stories they have!

Life is full of interesting twists and turns and everyone has a story or how, and WHY they ended up doing what they do.  Sometimes things are planned for, but in this instance, it was the little choices I made that led me to the path that I am on now.  I wouldn't change a thing.  (Except it would be really cool to be the official photographer for the President of The United States, whoever it is.)  I don't have big dreams, do I?

I hope that answered your question....
So-Why are you doing what you are doing?  What are your dreams?  (Comment below!)
(What might you want to hear about next week that is photography related?)

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