Saturday, April 7, 2012

Inspiration where you find it

People find inspiration in different things, or different places.  Perhaps this is a silly post, but I was thinking about WHERE I find inspiration the most; Where I have the most moments of clarity or find a solution to a challenge or a creative way of looking at things.  It's good to know yourself.  And so I did some thinking.

And WHERE did I do my thinking, you may ask.  Several "locations". Right at this very moment I'm sitting in bed with the electric blanket radiating it's goodness all over my body while I type!  While sometimes it is true that I get inspiration in bed dreaming, that is more unusual.  Usually, my best thoughts occur when I can't sleep, or I am on the verge of sleep; that semi lucid place in your head where reality and dreams get all tangled up in each other.  I know I am awake, but part of me is not.  Perhaps it is the conscious and the unconscious talking to each other... Epiphanies have happened there!

Another one of the locations where I can be assured to get clarity on a shoot, or inspiration, is in the shower or soaking in the tub.  I think five minutes have gone by, but when I get out twenty minutes has easily come and gone.   The sound of the water, the smell of the soaps, the warm washing over me..and then the blissful silence as I push out any background noise and delve into a deeper place of being.....

The idea for this post came from sitting in the sauna at the gym....which got me thinking....(laughter here!)
The real location of my problem solving/inspiration is not a place as much as it is a feeling inside me.  I'm pretty certain that the location could in fact be anywhere that was:
1) warm
2) safe
3) quiet
4) uninterrupted

Add these ingredients into my life, stir in a bit of hot chocolate, or coffee, or warm tasty beverage, and watch out world!

Where do you find your inspiration?  Is it easy to find?

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