Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Coming up this month is a shoot that I am extra excited about.  Sure I get excited about all my shoots, but this one involves chocolate.  LOTS of chocolate.  I've photographed food and chocolates before (see website for a handful of samples), but never of this volume of chocolates (several seasons of styles and product lines), and with such an amazing amount of creative direction given to me.  Obviously, I keep within the style of the brand and marketing requirements that I have been given during meetings, but concept through post production will be self-directed.  A bit of Peter Pan meets Alice in Wonderland...it will be a magical shoot.  My lovely client has been sending snap shots of the samples she is creating for the shoot and it keeps my creative juices flowing!  I find ideas and inspiration in surprise places.  Once this project has been completed I may link to a behind the scenes slideshow of how some of the pieces were shot.... but for now, not wanting to give more information away, I should just say there will be some fantastic creations coming this way mid month.  I just wanted to give you a taste; a little nibble...
This is one project I can really sink my teeth in...
(Sorry- I couldn't help myself)

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